Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi Episode 2 Urdu Dubbed
We need to stop. Birth has begun. “We need to stop.” “We cannot stop, Mr. Eyyub. Emir Bihruz and his soldiers are getting closer. If they catch us, they will put us to the sword. We have to endure until we reach Zengi’s lands. Come on!” It seems we have arrived in the land of Zengi, Fatma Hatun. Nureddin Zengi will help us.
“Oh, the effort. Grit your teeth. The baby is arriving.” “We need to stop and set up a tent. If we don’t stop, her condition could worsen.” “Mother, don’t leave us. Father, save my mother!” “Shirkuh! Stop! Shirkuh, take Turan Shah and Sehin Shah and go ahead. I will stay here for the birth.” “Mr. Eyyub, don’t do it, brother. How can I leave you alone? Let’s try a little harder.”
“This is not possible given my lady Fatma’s situation, brother. Five men and Ebe Hatun will stay with me. You will stay with the people and bring them safely to Emir Nureddin.” “Sheikh, come, son. Shirkuh, come on. I’ll take care of it, sir.” “Father, don’t leave us.” “I will not leave you, my Turanshah. Your uncle will take you ahead. I will come with your mother and your newborn brother. Shirkuh, if something happens to us, my sons are entrusted to you. I know you won’t leave me behind.”
“Come on, follow me! Hold on, my lady. Come on, try a little harder. Stronger. Come on, be stronger, try a little more. He’s coming. Come on! Get out.” “We did our best, His Excellency Emir, but… our son… was going to be the light of both of us. I couldn’t give you a future. Forgive me, Nureddin. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes. My light goes out. My heart darkens. Don’t close your eyes.”
“Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. La ilahe illallah. Let your name be Yusuf from now on. O Lord, you are the one who offered this child to us with your grace. Praise and glory belong only to you. Make this child a servant worthy of you and a nation worthy of your beloved. Guide him to the straight path. O Lord, grant us the ability to fight for the safety of the Islamic lands groaning under the oppression of the infidels, our first qibla, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the salvation of Jerusalem, the City of the Prophets.”
“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. The poor servant who had this pulpit built is in need of your mercy, grateful for your blessing, who fights in his path, who fights against the enemies of religion, the pillar of Islam and Muslims, the oppressed. Nureddin Zengi, who saved from oppressors. His Excellency Emir, welcome. I have started to embroider your dream. The conquest of Jerusalem… if it happens to me or my generation… my dream is to place this pulpit in Al-Aqsa Mosque… my dream.”
Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi Episode 2 Urdu Dubbed
Source 2
“But my wife and my son… passed away. My dream remained like a bitter lump in my throat, Ömer Mella Efendi. Innallahi and innaileyhiraciun. For those who believe, death is a migration from evil to eternal life. It brings us together from the pleasures of the mortal world to the blessings of eternal mercy. Our separation from our loved ones in this world is temporary, but hopefully, our reunion in the hereafter will be eternal. Your sadness is natural. But the cure is to ask God for patience and to fulfill your duties in the world for the sake of truth. The salvation of the Ummah of Muhammad depends on the wisdom of leaders like you who strive for the sake of the Divine Will.”